par boostmystartup | Avr 4, 2023 | Blog
Green hydrogen projects are an important asset in the race to zero emissions. A hypothetical case study explores the viability of green hydrogen projects in the actual market. BG Consulting Engineers SA (BG) and the startup Sympheny put together real-world...
par boostmystartup | Oct 10, 2022 | Blog
The Boost My Startup Challenge was born out of a collaboration between BG Consulting Engineers and UBS and has attracted the interest of some twenty startups for the 2022 edition. On Thursday 6 October, five of them were selected to come and pitch their solutions to...
par boostmystartup | Sep 9, 2022 | Blog
As a partner of the Boost My Startup Challenge network, we had the honor of conducting an interview with Eric Plan, Secretary General of CleantechAlps, a network that strives to position Western Switzerland as a recognized center of competence in the field of clean...
par boostmystartup | Août 18, 2022 | Blog
As a network partner for the Boost My Startup Challenge, we had the honor of conducting an interview with Patrick Barbey, Director of Innovaud. You most probably already know about the innovation and investment promotion agency for the canton of Vaud, but let us...
par boostmystartup | Juin 29, 2022 | Blog
The 1st edition of the Boost My Startup Challenge in 2021 was a great success with over 30 registered startups and 40 entrepreneurs and investors participating at the presentation of the finalists. Boost My Startup Challenge is a startup competition organized by BG...
par boostmystartup | Mai 25, 2022 | Blog
The 1st edition of the Boost My Startup Challenge took place in 2021. The event was a great success, and the Challenge was won by the startup Sympheny. But the real work began the next day: understanding mutual expectations, building trust, finding common ground, and...
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